12 April, 2011

S11E15 - New Zealand

Original Air Date: 04/12/11
Despite the bad news of losing Courtney and Brett, Alison has some good news for the contestants. For the next two weeks, they will be in New Zealand. Before departing, a quick contest will award one member an upgraded airline ticket in premium economy. Austin guesses closest to the height of Sky Tower in Auckland and wins.

Arriving in New Zealand, the first challenge is to climb to the top of the Sky Tower then jump off it. Bob and Ken are reluctant to do so but overcome their fears and jump.

Jumping from the top of Sky Tower isn't Ken's only concern this episode. He's also worried about his weight loss and injuries. Jillian confesses travel is hard on weight loss, but Cara is upset Ken went to Jillian and defends her weight loss strategies. She tells Ken to join Jillian if he thinks she's better at training and giving advice. After a brief chat with Jillian, Ken decides to stay with Cara, who vows to prove herself.

Another challenge for the week is a 5K over some rough terrain, including sand. All contestants must run as a team, not leaving anyone behind in order to make them work together. Winners receive a helicopter ride to Waiheke for a lunch. Irene and Olivia win but hand the prize to Kaylee and Moses.

At the weigh in: Jillian's prediction about how tough it is to lose weight while traveling comes true. Moses has lost no weight, Jay has gained two pounds and Kaylee has gained four. Despite this, Ken loses six pounds, Rulon loses seven and Austin has lost eight. Blue team has lost the weigh in but Irene is safe meaning it'll be Olivia or Moses who has to leave. As he would do for his own daughter, Moses asks to be voted out, so Olivia can stay.

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